Friday, March 16, 2012

Yay Me!

Last night was our PTA's annual tricky tray fundraiser, the social event of the year in our town.  I've been going every year for the past ten years with my mom and before last night, I had only won one prize.  Free religious ed classes - I was thrilled, but my oldest was plenty disappointed that he waited up til 11:00 for that big news.

We have some pretty impressive gift baskets - tickets to Disney, tvs, Ipads, Ipods, designer handbags, spa treatments.  I won a 10 piece Cuisinart Cookware Set.  I'm pretty sure my mom and I were the only one who put tickets in that box, and she may have given the cookware to me anyway if she had won, because that's how she rolls.  Crazy generous, my mom is!

Anyway, it may have been the white wine, but I was pretty excited!  I texted my daughter:  "Tell everyone I won a ten piece cookware set!  Yay me!"  An hour later I hadn't heard back from her so I texted again:  "Did you get my text that I won pots?"  Her response:  "Yeah nice!"

When we got home, my husband was a little more excited, at least he opened the box and had a look at them.  Over breakfast I asked the other kids what they thought of my prize.  Triplet A - "Can I have the bow?"  My oldest - "You could've at least won a Coach bag".

Yeah, not me.  Just a set of pots.  Pretty much sums up who I am.   But at least I won SOMETHING!  Guess I'm easy to please.

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