I know that breastfeeding is a controversial subject. Like religion or politics, we all have strong beliefs that cannot be swayed by people shouting their oppositional views at us.
HOWEVER, to me, this Time cover photo is not about breastfeeding. It's about a disturbing cover photo that is going to haunt this poor child forever. There is something very perverted about this picture. The mother looks a little sexy and smug, and the poor little boy has an odd look in his eyes and is dressed to look older than he is, standing on a chair to look even bigger. I think Time went too far in an effort to sell magazines - pedophiles and perverts will no doubt cause this cover to be a sellout. Ew!
As far as my personal view on breastfeeding, I think it is beautiful and natural for a new mother to bond and nurture her baby. I breastfed my first 2 children, didn't have enough milk (or boobs) to nurse my preemie triplets.
I have no problem with someone breastfeeding in public (I was much too modest to, myself) but appreciate someone doing it discreetly so little (and grown) boys don't stare and giggle. If you want to continue beyond infancy, more power to you, but I don't want to see it. I was once at a birthday party where a preschooler was eating spicy salsa, then ran over to her mom, lifted her shirt, and took a drink. It was just freaky to me, sorry!
Here's my bottom line - women should not judge each other for breastfeeding or not breastfeeding. Some women are naturals, others find it awkward or just don't produce enough milk. As women, we should support each other in sisterhood either way, just like working moms or stay at home moms should respect each other's choices.
Oh, and please ladies, remember to take good care of your 'girls' either way!
saw that kid on the news this morning, and there is something wrong/not right about that kid already!