Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hair We Go

"Hair, hair, it's everywhere.  Some have little, some have lots, plain hair, striped hair, polka dots."  (A line from a children's book embedded in my memory after reading it a thousand times over the past 15 years.)

I have a crappy head of fine hair.  I don't complain, I'm fortunate to only have a few grays at my age and they're silver, so they kind of look like highlights.  I'm happy to say none of my kids have my cruddy hair, they all have beautiful, thick heads of hair from their dad's side of the family.

I have to admit that I worried for the first 2 years of my daughter's life that she'd have my hair.  Our first boy was born with a full head of dark hair, predicted by the terrible heartburn I had during my pregnancy.  I figured our little girl would come out with the same hair, but she just had a head covered in peach fuzz.  Uh oh.  Then as it started to grow, it only sprouted long on the top of her head.  I'd put it in a pony tail on top, like a pineapple. 

Somewhere around her second birthday, it seemed to grow overnight, a full head of long, thick, wavy hair with blond highlights that I paid a small fortunate to replicate on my own head.  I was thrilled to see she had the same beautiful hair as her cousins, but I had no clue what to do with it.

I still blow dry it for her at night, it takes around 30 minutes to dry and has caused several hair dryers to explode prematurely.   Before her, a hair dryer would last me 10 years, no lie.  I've been through 3 in the past few months.

The biggest reason I'm glad she doesn't have my hair is that I secretly enjoy the bonding time we have, just us 2 girls, when I blow it out for her at night.  I know she can do it herself, but she's so independent and growing up so fast that I love grooming her like a little girl.

But I'm happy I only have to do it for 1 kid - imagine if the triplets were girls and I had to do 4 heads of that hair every night!

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